Thursday, April 7, 2011


 What a way to start off a beef cooking blog; some would say....Meatloaf???? Well;  It's what's for dinner tonight.  I put this blog up a couple weeks ago and have been thinking about doing it for a few years now. We have been deep in the middle of calving season and most of my cooking has been done at around midnight when we might get in for a couple of hours.  I have jumped on my blog the last couple of days and to my astonishment a few people have looked at it!  I guess I better share a recipe here it goes....

MEATLOAF:   It is moist and tastey, you won't need to drench it in ketchup.  It is one of My Cowboy's favorites.  He has been fixing fence all day, the snow drifts have finally started to melt and boy do they do a number on the fences.  He will need something hearty like meatloaf and mashed potatoes for supper.

What you will need:
2lbs ground beef - preferably lean and farm fresh, believe me it makes a difference!  If you don't know how to get a hold of some let me know I can give you some tips
1 large onion
1 cup oatmeal
2 Tbsp. flour
1 tsp. salt
1 dash of ground pepper
3 large eggs - again, preferably farm fresh, come on over and get some if you need; I have eggs comming out my ears!
1 can of pasta sauce (26oz) I often use homemade canned pasta sauce but I am out so the best buy at the grocery store will do.  I will post a recipe when I do some more canning.
1 cup shredded cheese. I used the cheddar/jack mix this time but whatever you have on hand or prefer is good.

optional ingredients:  I sometimes chop up a green or red pepper and mix them in .
                                A tablespoon or two of BBQ sauce can also be good.

NOTE: None of my recipes are set in stone; I use what I have on hand and what I think might taste good.
So have fun and be creative if you so wish :)

  1. Preheat oven to 425
  2. Chop onion, try not to cry, light a match blow it out and wave the smoke close to your eyes if you do.
  3. Add ground beef, onion, cheese, salt, pepper, oatmeal, and flour to a large bowl
  4. Crack eggs and add to the mixture
  5. Add pasta sauce
  6. Remove your wedding ring and get your hands dirty...oh I skipped a step; wash your hands thoroughly before beginning cooking.
  7. Use both hands and knead everything together
  8. Grease a bread pan (9x6x3)  If you don't have those exact dimensions, no worries use what you have.
  9. Fill pan with meat mixture
  10. Cover with tin foil
  11. Put in the oven
  12. Cook at 425 for 90minutes or until done thru but not dried out.
  13. Uncover and add a sprinkling of cheese place back in the oven uncovered to melt the cheese
  14. Let cool a little and serve to a hungry family or Cowboy
  15. Tonight I am serving with mashed potatoes, and steamed broccoli with cheese sauce.  Wish me luck getting My Cowboy to eat his veggies.